Study to Assess Adverse Events, Change in Disease Activity and How Oral ABBV-552 Capsules Moves Through the Body of Participants Aged 50 to 90 Years With Mild Alzheimer's Disease (Abroad)
This study sponsored by AbbVie will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of ABBV-552 in treating early Alzheimer's disease (AD) symptoms, involving approximately 240 participants aged 50-90 years with mild AD, who will receive either ABBV-552 or placebo daily for 12 weeks across about 60 global sites, with regular medical assessments and monitoring for adverse events and changes in disease activity.
This study will evaluate the safety and effectiveness of ABBV-552 in treating early Alzheimer's disease (AD) symptoms, involving approximately 240 participants aged 50-90 years with mild AD, who will receive either ABBV-552 or placebo daily for 12 weeks across about 60 global sites, with regular medical assessments and monitoring for adverse events and changes in disease activity.
El Paso, Texas: Advanced Neurology, Epilepsy and Sleep Center
Diagnosed with probable Alzheimer's disease per NIA-AA (2011) criteria.
MMSE score of 20 to 26, CDR global score of 0.5 or 1.0, CDR memory score of 0.5 or higher, and at least one CDR functional domain score of 0.5 or higher at Screening Visit 1.
exclusion criteria
Significant or unstable medical conditions or other factors that would interfere with study participation, adherence, or make the participant unsuitable to receive ABBV-552.
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