Clinical Trial Services for Sponsors and CROs
Welcome to El Paso Clinical Trials' page for sponsors and CROs. Our experienced team is dedicated to providing top-quality services to help you manage your clinical trials efficiently and effectively. Whether you need assistance with patient recruitment, clinical trial management, or data analysis, we have the expertise to meet your needs.
Our Services:
El Paso Clinical Trials offers a range of services for sponsors and CROs, including:
Clinical trial management: We can assist you with all aspects of clinical trial management, from study design to data analysis.
Patient recruitment: Our experienced team can help you recruit eligible participants for your clinical trials.
Regulatory compliance: We are committed to ensuring that all clinical trials are conducted in accordance with relevant regulations and guidelines.
Data management: We can assist you with all aspects of data management, from data entry to analysis.
Site management: We have a network of clinical trial sites throughout the El Paso area, and can assist you with site selection and management.
To learn more about our services, please contact us

Our research facility has the following:
Diverse patient population (children, adolescents, adults, and elderly patients)
Physical Exam and EKG Room
Emergency Medicine Kit
Manual and Electronical Blood Pressure Devices
Manual and Electronic scale
Ambient Centrifuge
-20 and -70 Degree Celsius Freezer on site
Locked Refrigerator for study drug or lab samples
Phlebotomy area within our research center
Waiting area for participants
Private monitoring area with lots of room
Private assessment or consenting rooms
All equipment is calibrated every year
Double locked, temperature-controlled study drug room with limited access
Storage area for study and lab supplies
Electronic Regulatory and monitors will have online access at all times
Electronic Source Documents and monitors will have online access at all times
Why Choose El Paso Clinical Trials
At El Paso Clinical Trials, we are committed to providing our sponsors and CROs with the highest quality services. Our experienced team has a proven track record of success in clinical trial management and patient recruitment. We are dedicated to ensuring that all clinical trials are conducted safely and ethically, and we are committed to providing accurate and reliable data to our sponsors and CROs.
Contact Us
To learn more about our services for sponsors and CROs, please contact us at (915)247-2309 or at abraham@elpasoclinicaltrials.com. We look forward to working with you to advance medical research and improve patient care.