A Longitudinal Observational Study of Patients Undergoing Therapy for IMISC (TARGET-DERM)
TARGET-DERM sponsored by Target Pharma Solutions is a longitudinal, observational study focusing on adult and pediatric patients undergoing treatment for Atopic Dermatitis and other Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Skin Conditions (IMISC) in typical clinical settings. It aims to establish a research registry of IMISC patients across academic and community practices to evaluate the safety and efficacy of current and upcoming treatments. While participants in the EU are followed up for a maximum of 5 years, those in the US and Canada have the option for indefinite follow-up.
The goal of TARGET-DERM is to establish a comprehensive research registry of adult and pediatric patients with Atopic Dermatitis and other Immune-Mediated Inflammatory Skin Conditions (IMISC) across academic and community clinical settings. Through longitudinal observation, the study aims to evaluate the safety and effectiveness of both current and forthcoming therapies used in the real-world management of these conditions. While participants in the EU will be followed up for a maximum of 5 years, those in the US and Canada have the option for indefinite follow-up, allowing for a thorough assessment of long-term treatment outcomes.
El Paso, Texas: El Paso Dermatology Center
Adults and children (all ages) with Atopic Dermatitis or other Immune-mediated Inflammatory Skin Conditions been prescribed any dermatologic treatment.
Participant has plans for future visits at the site for continued management of IMISC.
exclusion criteria
Inability to provide written informed consent/assent.
Subjects participating in any interventional study or trial for IMISC treatment trial at the time of enrollment. Patients may be enrolled in TARGET-DERM once participation in the trial is complete. Note: Participants may be enrolled in other registries or studies where IMISC treatment outcomes are observed and/or reported (such as center-based registries).
For more information, visit ClinicalTrials.gov.